Flipped Channels

PowerLesson + Flipped Channels = Total Flipped Learning Flipped Channels was launched in 2015 in response to educators’ increasing attention towards ‘flipped learning’. It is a platform for teachers to effortlessly create videos or manage external videos to engage students throughout the pre-lesson, in-lesson and post-lesson stages. It also gathers students’ learning data in real…


每逢學期尾,師生要為追趕課程疲於奔命,更可能要在暑假作大量補課,但 聖伯多祿中學葉文昊老師就表示無有怕!他翻轉傳統課堂的每個角落,以自製的教學影片教授課堂內容,讓同學在家中預習、回答問題。